Modern - Montreal Eco-Friendly Cleaning Services to Commercial

Environmental Benefits of Green Cleaning

When you choose Modern, you are choosing a cleaning service that is fully EcoLogo certified. This means that no products, hazardous to the health of your employees, are used during the cleaning process.

When you choose Modern, you are choosing a cleaning service that is fully EcoLogo certified.

Our goal is to help you develop a working environment that promotes the health of your employees, while facilitating your transition to sustainable development.

Here are just a few benefits of doing business with Modern:

  • Customer service is available 7 days a week, 365 days a year,
  • A national network of franchisees
  • Competitive pricing
  • Insurance coverage
  • A complete range of cleaning services
  • No toxic chemical products used
  • Performance-oriented management
Produit de nettoyage Ecologique

By using green cleaning products, you will reduce the health problems among your employees and also the associated costs.

Environmental Benefits of Green Cleaning

The purpose of our green cleaning program is to minimize the impact of the cleaning products on the health of the client and on the environment. The use of green cleaning products allows us to eliminate the presence of chemicals in the air..

Health Benefits of Green Cleaning

Cleaning products used by traditional cleaning companies contribute greatly to the poor air quality inside buildings. More than half of the chemical products contain ingredients that can be detrimental to our health and to the environment. The vast majority of cleaning products contain high levels of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that can cause headaches and other symptoms.

By using green cleaning products, you will reduce the health problems among your employees and also the associated costs.


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Environmental Benefits of Green Cleaning

Don't hesitate to contact us for a Free Estimate!
